JEE Stack
EJB, JPA, JTA, JDBC, Web Service (REST / SOAP)
Web Stack
Servlet/JSP, AngularJS, GWT, jQuery, Bootstap, Spring MVC
Mobile Stack
Cordova/PhoneGap, Andriod
Cloud Stack
Google App-Engine, Amazon EC2 and S3, Openshift, Heroku
AI Stack
Google API.AI, MS BotFramework, Apache Spark ML
Application Server
Apache Tomcat, JBoss/Wildfly, Jetty, IBM Websphere
MS SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB
Big Data and NoSQL
MongoDB, Big Table, Hadoop
JBuilder, Eclipse, Net Beans, STS, VS Code
Tools Used
UML: Power Designer (GTL), ER-Studio
Issue Tracker: JIRA, Bugzilla, Track Studio
Version Control: CVS, SVN, Source safe, Git, Perforce
Report Engine: Crystal Reports, Jasper Reports, IReports, BIRT
Build & CI : Ant, Maven, Hudson/Jenkins
Testing and Performance: JProbe Profiler & Code Coverage, Ecl-Emma, Clover, JUnit, JFCUnit, Abbot, Selenium, dynaTrace, SoapUI, Postman
Other Frameworks & API
Quartz, , Kodo-JDO, Apache POI, log4j, XStream, Click, Drools, JFreeChart
Enterprise Platform
SAP B1, Compiere, Saleforce